- nhóm sản phẩm
Tai mũi họng, hô hấp
Herbals extract equivalent dried herbals:
Semen Armeniacae amarum................................................... 14,20 g
Radix Platycodi grandiflori....................................................... 14,20 g
Radix Stemonae tuberosae..................................................... 14,20 g
Radix Peucedani..................................................................... 14,20 g
Herba Menthae arvensis......................................................... 14,20 g
Radix Asteris............................................................................. 7,40 g
Folium Perillae.......................................................................... 7,40 g
Folium Eriobotryae japonicae................................................... 7,40 g
Cortex Mori albae radicis.......................................................... 7,40 g
Auxiliary materials: Aqua potabilis s.q. for, Saccharum, Natri benzoat s.q.for 1 capsule 15mg.
- Help sooth the lungs, reduce coughs, reliefs sore throats caused by coughs.
• Adults with coughs have phlegm, they have long-term, sore throats due to them.
• Each time drink 1 tablespoon (15ml), drink 3 times a day before meals.
• Stone in a dry cool place, away from direct sunlight.
• 36 months after the manufacturing.